photo of Stella, my dog.

Thoughts on Two Wheels: August 14, 2013

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It’s another unseasonably cool day in northeast Ohio. Heavy, dark clouds seem to threaten precipitation and a stiff wind greets my first pedal strokes as I venture forth on my two-wheeled, bliss-generating machine. After a quick stop at the local post office, I’m back on the road with only the vaguest idea of a route to follow; I like to explore and discover new things.

Eight miles out from home and the sun makes its first appearance of the day. The landscape begins to transform from somber and foreboding to cheery and welcoming. While the air remains cool, I’m working the pedals with my usual vigor and beads of perspiration begin to drip from my forehead.

A slight downhill at the 15-mile mark, a quick glance at the odometer to check my speed and in that very instance, I feel my front wheel hit something in the road. At 26-mph, as the tire rapidly loses air, I am in danger of losing control and landing in the deep ditch off to my right. I maintain my calm and slowly bring the bike to a stop by engaging my rear brakes. Now, I am faced with a task I truly deplore: breaking down the tire to replace the blown inner tube. At least I’m carrying a spare tube and an air pump; my predicament could be far worse.

As I detach the wheel from the bike, I’m thinking of, perhaps, a pluperfect metaphor: just when you’re confidently cruising along on the roadway of life without a care in the world you experience a deflating incident causing delay, consternation or, sometimes, despair. Yet, with patience and intestinal fortitude, you re-inflate your desires, objectives and continue on your way. It takes twenty minutes, but I successfully install the new tube and am back on the road pushing the pedals again; bliss ensues.

The hill at the 22-mile mark is daunting and I could easily avoid the challenge by turning and following a more gradual incline through a local metro park. In years past I would have chosen the path of least resistance, but not today. Halfway up the incline I pass a couple of teenagers walking alongside their bikes; they offer words of encouragement as I pass. Concentrating on maintaining my breathing and cadence, I offer a nod of the head as way of thanks.

Now, 3/10ths of a mile from home, I’m giving it all I’ve got. There’s a slight uphill at the end and I see I’m maintaining a 21-mph pace. As I turn into the driveway, the sunshine filtering through the trees and a dog with a frenetically wagging tail greet my arrival.

Life is good.






2 responses to “Thoughts on Two Wheels: August 14, 2013”

  1. John from Clevo Avatar
    John from Clevo

    You did well to control the bike after hitting the object. I’d be afraid of an endo. Damage the rim at all?

  2. Ted Haughawout Avatar

    Yes, it was scary for a couple of seconds because the front end became very unstable and it felt like the wheel could slide sideways at any moment. Thankfully, no, the rim did not get damaged.