Category: Science

  • Context Is Everything

    Context Is Everything

    There was a news story making the rounds last week concerning some “pranksters” who “fooled” some people at a food-industry exposition in Houten, Netherlands by offering them fare from a local McDonald’s presented as though it were haute cuisine. That the “victims” of this stunt did not recognize they were being served regular fast food…

  • Bucky


    While I’ve long associated R. “Bucky” Buckminster Fuller with the geodesic dome and had some vague awareness of his status as something of a visionary, I’d not really paid a great deal of attention to his actual work. Recently, several of his quotes have been making the rounds on Facebook and have piqued my interest…

  • Thomas Jefferson & Sally Hemings

    Thomas Jefferson & Sally Hemings

    All lies and jest, still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest. — Paul Simon The most salient and pertinent observation to be made concerning the Jefferson-Hemings controversy is the results of the DNA study (published in Nature in 1998) did NOT prove Thomas Jefferson fathered Sally Hemings’ offspring. Instead,…